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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 29, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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important he believes the israeli/united nations is. >> we know about the hiccups there. were there any in israel? >> there have been a couple. one was inside politics, if you will. mr. romney canceled at the last minute a meeting with a couple members of the opposition party. they were very upset with that and they believe that prime minister netanyahu who is in power now had basically stopped that meeting from happening and so they wrote some comments about that. there's also a comment that mitt romney said that got the palestinians very upset. he said he was deeply moved to be here in jerusalem, the capital of israel. and why is that significant? well, no u.s. president who's -- sitting u.s. president since 1967 has recognized jerusalem as israel's capital because of the
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disputed -- dispute with the palestinians. the palestinians have long said that they believe jerusalem should be their capital in a two-state solution and that's really been a sticking point. there were comments made by the plo who very, very upset with what romney said. so a couple of hiccups, but all in all, i think the israelis looked at this as a good meeting, that r.i.m. backs israel all the way. >> all right. sara sidner in israel. thank you, sara. tim roemer, the foreign policy adviser to president spoke with cnn's candy crowley. >> the threshold for governor romney is this. is he's equipped, is he prepared to become a commander in chief and when he gets off in the first leg of this trip and he goes to great britain and he insults the british people and david cameron the prime minister and the mayor of london both rebuke him, the question becomes
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this is if he can't engage our allies on a simple topic like the international olympics, how is he going to be tough enough to stand up to our gravest enemy like iran. >> well, you can hear mitt romney's full speech in jerusalem next hour right here on cnn. now to syria where rebels and government forces are still fighting to gain control of the country's major commercial center. here's what's happening there.
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> you see the rebels there taking hold of that government tank and they claim they're making some progress. it's getting very violent as you saw. our ivan watson is witnesses some of fight firsthand from northern syria. earlier he told me about an army base that's surrounded by rebels. >> reporter: for the past hour and a half, i've been watching a rebel attack on a syrian army base located just outside the northern limits of that city of aleppo. it started around sunset with a great deal of rocket fire and
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mortar fire and machine gunfire, and we've basically been watching constant tracer fire at night focused this syrian army base. and emerging from this syrian army base. the rebels seem to be attacking this base, which has an estimate 14d tanks and about more than 200 soldiers from many different directions, and i've traveled in the villages around this army base. they're almost surrounded by sympathizers and supporters of the rebels. they're called an outside artillery support. it sounds like it's come all the way from the city of aleppo just a few miles way way. >> civilians have been fleeing the towns, some of them trying to cross the border into turkey. to a developing story in africa. an outbreak of ebola in uganda
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has killed at least 14 people. health officials are scrambling to kon taint. you talked to the cdc. they're sending a team there. do they think they're going to be able to kon taint inside the borders. >> they're sending people to the region. right now it's too early to know. it's too early to tell whether it could spend beyond the bush and western uganda. we spoke to a cdc spokesman who said he is optimistic because there are presence already dealing with the outbreak but there's still a long road ahead. >> in the past when we've seen these outbreaks and we were able to do good contact tracing and inform good infection control and health care facilities, these outbreaks have a tendicy to sort of stamp it out and sort
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of stop the chain of transmission. >> you heard there from tom skinner. this is largely about disease control, getting right people in place so they know how to prevent the spread. it's a highly contagious disease. >> for anyone who saw the movie about ten years ago, pretty scary sight. >> right. >> what are they going do to contain it? >> the incubation for ebola could be two to 21 days. in thee you could be walking around uganda and not know you have it. we spoke to residents in the capital and there are local reports that people are fleeing from the region to the capital, so there is concern that people could have the disease and spread it other places. >> are they all concerned in kampala of it spreading? >> they are concerned. 14 people dead.
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it pales in comparison in 2007 with 27 deaths and more earlier. of course, there's concern and a little bit of trepidation. but right now it's just isolated to the kibaale area and western district of uganda. we hope that's where it stays. >> nick valencia, many thanks. israel is just the latest stop of mitt romney's three-country tour. how well is he doing? we'll get some impact on the political impacts of his travels abroad. >>what? >>sorry. he wants you to know about priceline's new express deals. it's a faster way to get a great hotel deal without bidding. pick one with a pool, a gym, a great guest rating. >>and save big. >>thanks negotiator. wherever you are. ya, no. he's over here. >>in the refrigerator?
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election, and today mitt romney is meeting with leaders in israel. it's part of a three-country trip designed to showcase his policy. he sat down with our wolf blitzer. they talked about the u.s. relationship with israel. >> rob, there was a little diplomatic excitement here in israel with mitt romney, mitt romney declaring that jerusalem is israel's capital. he also went further than that. listen to this exchange that we had. >> reporter: do you consider jerusalem to be the capital of israel? >> yes, of course. a nation has the right to choose its own capital. >> if you became the president of the united states would you move it? >> i think it's our policy to have our beamcy in the nation's
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capital of jerusalem. it's a move if i were president i'd want to take in kon certificate with the leadership of the government at that time. i would follow the same policy we have in the past. our embassy would be in the capital, but the timing is something i'd want to work out with the government. >> the government of israel? >> the government of israel. >> they've always asked every u.s. government to recognize jerusalem as its capital. >> it would make that -- >> just to be precise, if you're president you would consult with the israeli government and if they said please move the embassy, will do you that? >> i'm not going to make policy while on foreign soil. our desire has been to ultimately move it to the capital. that's something i would agree with, but i would opt want to do so and select the times in accordance with the government of israel. >> all of this is very sensitive
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diplomatic stuff. no u.s. president since 1967 has recognized jerusalem at the capital. they've always kept the u.s. capital in tel aviv real estate than moving it here to jerusalem. but romney is pretty determined at this point. he'll consult with the israeli government. if they say they would like the u.s. to move the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem, he said then he would go ahead and do that. the ramifications of that in the arab world, the muslim world, the rest of the middle east, to be sure, could be significant. that's why u.s. presents have not done so in the past. but that's where romney stands right now as he gets ready to embark on the next leg of his three-country tour. he was in england. now in israel, getting ready to head off to poland. that's it for me. >> you can see the entire interview tomorrow on "the
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situation room" romney has to walk a fine line. joining me from washington to talk about the politics of romney's trip is cnn political analyst ron brownstein. you know, ron, you heard mitt romney's comments to wolf about his thoughts on the capital and you heard his speech. that's pretty touchy territory, isn't it? >> absolutely. but just to be clear, we've had ore presidential candidates as opposed to other candidates say it president clinton, president bush and even president barack obama. there's a law moving back to 1995 it is the policy of the u.s. that jerusalem is the capital. so we don't know if the long run if romney wins what would happen. the u.s. relationship to moving its embassy to jerusalem is a little like our posture toward
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taiwan. i think that it would be bra tour to assume from romney's comments today that, in fact, he would tee part from that tradition as president. all the same that have moved it would be president if he wins as well. >> certainly as a candidate you've got more freedom to say stronger words. speaking of which you said in today's speech he would respect unilateral israeli strike on iran if they exposed weapons. is he steps on toes? >> reporter: that was striking. that was his spokesman who made the comment. that he would expect a yub lateral action and romney in his subsequent interviews tried to fudge that ba us that wo be seen as giving israel a blarng check. if you look at both together, what romney is arguing is that he would be more lockstep, more
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arm in arm. who has like bill clinton before him, somewhat of a prickly relationship with benjamin netanyahu. if you think back to history. george h.w. bush or others, usually it's republican presidents who vow to do more. really that's flipped and now you have the republicans saying they're going to be more arm in arm and the others claiming it's in their interest. >> you know, ron, let's backtrack to the uk. when he was there, he talked about a special relationship but he caught a lot of heat from the british. there was a lot of comments about the preparation for the
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olympics. >> was that trip positive or negative? >> unee kievically negative. kind of a modern tradition. it's supposed to be the tennis without a net part. it's supposed to kind of elevate you and convince voters in the u.s. to be commander in chief. he's had a pretty rocky time of it. criticized by dave cameron who's a conservative tiff. even more so, the mayor of london who's the william f. buckley of politics. even today's comments about iran and romney kind of fuzzing it, i mean this has not been a kind of demonstration of steadiness, a mention they were going to send. >> ron brown steen, good insight, thank you. ron. >> you can catch the full speed at 5:00, top of the hour.
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in london it is day two for the olympic games. china is leading with six gold so far followed by italy with two. hi, becky, lots of events on tap. swimming. the men and women too are maybe back in the cards. what's on the cards. >> reporter: it's been sensational. much has been in the aquatic center. we've been anticipated the 400-free-style. michael fephelps back in the war along with his teammate ryan lochte. they're defending champions. they've won an event in every olympic since 1964. this time, i'm afraid, if you don't know the results.
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they got the sill version not the gold this time. the french coming good goode in that centerpiece event here at the london 2012 games and the russians bringing up the rear with the bronze. now that might have been my guess because earlier on in the day the u.s. rolled the french over in the basketball. 97-71. so, you know, it was an important event but i guess the french decided it was going to be their day after all. rob? >> got throw a bone, i guess, every once in a while. i guess, i'm curious, watching it the past day or so, some of these events there's nobody in the seats. anybody talking about that? what are they doing? >> it's been the story for the last 36 hours. the yore nicing committee saying he doesn't want to see empty seats. he saw them in beijing. it was really disappointing. it was a real disappointment not for him.
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500 odd seats in the swimming block yesterday along. 5,000 alone in the gymnastics. so what they've come up with is anied to give those tickets away or the seats that are empty when an event is over to soldiers, kids, and teachers. you can't really know until the event actually begins whether those seats are going to be empty. they blame the athletes' families, they blame the sponsors to a certain extent who have been given the seats ahead of time haven't paid ahead of time. it's incredibly disappointing. people hang out in the park, hanging around being told the seats are sold out. i guarantee you're going to see a pretty full stadium going forward. >> it must be frustrating not only for the spectators but athletes want a big crowd too. >> right. becky anderson, thanks very much. a live update from london. we'll be checking back with you.
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colorado shootings will be in court tomorrow. prosecutors will file formal changes against james holmes. he's accused of opening fire at an aurora movie theater kill 1g 2 people. 11 remain hospitalized. one of them, ashley moser, we learned suffered a miscarriage. moser's daughter was the youngest killed in the shooting. >> it's not a deal as far as football is concerned. to find out what we can expect, let's bring in our own super bowl analyst todd. he's a managing principal of the group. you got your chalkboard out? got your xs and o's. >> you got that right. wall street is expecting to see 100,000 new jobs in july. however, some are skeptical of
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that number. >> i can't keep track of all these. case schilling. how about those? >> both of those reports will will released on tuesday. consumer confidence is bag number. it's going tell us if american consumers are confident. if they are confident, they're probably going to go out and spend money, and that's great for the overall economy. then you also look at the other side of that, the case-shiller incident. it's actually the house pricing index. it takes a look at the 20 biggest cities in the country such as atlanta and new york and gives you a gauge how valuable the homes are, whether they're appreciating or depreciating. that's a big indicator. what we want to see is some kind of an uptick or appreciator.
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>> some are floating along, saying it's not as big as we'd like it to be. we're going go from macro to mic micro. stick around. we're going to talk about another big question. facebook. friday it took a big hit because it announced earnings that were in line with estimates. when we come back, we're going to ask you what you think the chances are of you and me buying some stock. stay right there. >> you got it. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead.
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analyst todd schoenberger. before i was here i was a trader on wall street.
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one thing i remember, they say buy on rumor, right, sell on news, but it seems that they sold on the rumor and sold on the news. with facebook they med their expectations and then the stock went down. at what point is this a good buy for being, you know, the other americans out there who are thinking about it. >> i have to tell you, rob. you want to wait till it gets down to the teen, and i'll tell you why. the company in that quarterly report say they have new users. it increased 30% from this time last year. that's great but everybody on there that's new is using the phone and as a result, advertisers have not been able to actually monetize that. how are they going to make money from users going to facebook on their iphone? so as a result they have big challenges ahead. that's why the stock is selling off, at least in the shorttime. >> that's why i like the app. there's no adds on it right now.
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there's also a buzz about getting a real ceo in there. what can they do to turn things around? >> it's a little disappointing. they should have been on there doing that. they need something luke detective like eric schmidt on google with the glass and everything. >> you know what you're talking about. ed to schoenberger. thanks, todd. >> thanks, rob. a team of cnn radio reporters have been gets answers from people across the country. and they're going share that with us in just a bit. people with a machine.
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i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. well, what issues do americans care about and what are they saying about their country's future? two teams of cnn radio reporters have been traveling cross-country as part of a project called embed, america. we have john and lisa
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desjardins. let's start with john. what is your goal and what are the issues that people are most concerned about? >> one of the goals, biggest goals was to connect with voters and talk about the issues they care about, not to go off polling information or what candidates were talking about. one of the issues for example that we looked at was inner city education. this is an issue that hasn't been talked about a lot but it's skrr clear that inner city needs to be addressed. i spoke with a 17-year-old in east st. louis. you see some of the pictures there. that's a teddy bear pole. each bear represents somebody killed in this neighborhood. they care about the corruption, they care about the problems with the teachers, they care about the fact that often these kids are underfed and they go to school in an unsafe environment
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and without books. that's one example that we found that doesn't show up in polling data. >> it was extremely horrible. the teachers didn't care. they were basically there to have a job. they didn't care for the kids. they didn't like anything. they came out with nothing. nobody ever took a book or a back pack. it's almost like it wasn't school. it was just like it was day care center. >> and so that from louis jones, one of the people we talked about. we did this in conjunction with a cnn ireport. it's something that political coverage seems to forget or ignore. >> you went all over the place. and, lisa, did you find anything specific with specific parts of the country? i mean what concerns were drawn from different parts of the country versus others? >> right. think the difference is it's the same concerns that everyone has
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but in different regions of the country they understand them better in some cases. for example john went from miami to los angeles and i drove from maine to montana. on the way we stopped in coal country, ohio. that's place where they really believe this election is going to determine whether their wi of life survives. thing that's a story that hasn't gotten gotten covered much. we talked to a wife and daughter and granddaughter and great granddaughter of coal miners. she's concerned about the environment but she said there's not another fuel that can replace it. i played a clip -- there she is with her kids. she said coal isn't popular. people don't like using it. here's the clip. here's what she said. >> where's your electricity? >> i'd like it to come free out of the flowers that grow. come on.
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is coal popular? >> no, it's not popular. it's not easy to mine. it's dirty. you know, i think they can burn it more cleanly now than they have ever in the past, and think we should explore more of that. >> so, rob, i know you've seen a lot of the country, too, and i think the difference here is that americans really are feeling these issues in a way that i think is not coming across in the campaigns, and think john feels the same way as i do. we really feel that americans are smart, they're paying attention, they're tired of the politicians, but they're really tuped in and we both felt like there were a lot of voices and thoughts not getting out yet in this election that we're getting to. >> is that the message, john? are voters, citizens frustrated at our political leaders? >> i don't think that they're frustrated. i think that they are sick of politicians. >> yeah. >> but i think really what they want to see is politicians address the issues that they
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care about, you know? i was in the grand canyon. we stopped and talked to this new mexican farmer. nobody's talked about water rights issues. this is a federal issue and this is incredibly important to him and his family and the future of his family and farm. so i think there's more of a sense that the major candidates for cincinnati and things like that, and, of course, the presidential candidates, are just not addressing these issues that are so important to people and that's one of the things that we really try to highlight through this series. >> right. if i could jump in, rob. i think the thing is we get so observed with what this candidate is saying, what that candidate is saying. i grew up in washington. i've covered politics. john has covered politics too. but i think we've got to get past that. that's where the american people are. they want to plan, they want it to be real and that's what the series are. what are the series on the ground. not just what the script is.
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>> to jump in quickly. >> sorry rob. >> sorry rob. the idea that people aren't able to comprehend big policy ideas? it's hogwash. they are. they want to see the policy ideas precepted. >> you guys can come in any time you have. some of the radio people have some of the best stories. mitt romney's campaign visit over overseas. he told an israeli crowd today that he would get tough on iran. he also declared jerusalem as the capital of the jewish state. he did not say he would order the u.s. embassy moved from tel aviv to jerusalem if he wins the white house but strongly suggested that in his earlier interview with cnn wolf blitzer. mitt romney's visit to israel is about as much to reaching out to
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religious groups bat home as it is to deploiplomadiplomacy. cnn's dan talks about it. what does it do for him? >> traditionally jewish voters in the u stales have been among the most demographic blocks in the united states. so in 2008 barack obama got 78% of the jewish votes. they feel like they have a chance to peel off votes which is small but significant in a few key states, states like florida and ohio and pennsylvania. this week before the departure on his european and israel trip, you saw romney castigating obama if what he said was a shabby
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treatment of one of our closest allies. and what's interesting is the obama campaign and the white house are obviously taking this really seriously. so on the eve of romney's arrival this week, the white house announces $70 million in aid to israeli for missile defense. so it's a threat that obama is taking seriously. >> you know, not just for jus, dan, but obviously this is a big deal, isn't it? >> it is. and politically it my be more important, a trip like this, for what it says of evangelical christians in the united states as to what it says about jews. there are those who feel it. others feel in the real sense that israel needs to be in jewish hands before christ can
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arrive on earth again. this is a real opportunity for mitt romney who struggled with evangelical chins in the primaries to reach out on an issue on which no one questions romney's support to israel. on issues of abortion rights and mormonism, those have caused him some real trobs with the evangelical community. this is a chance for him to try to redeem himself in some way. >> certainly a very religious man. a new but poll says they have little knowledge of romney's religious faith and barack obama. what else has it found? >> there's been all this speculation that mormonism might hurt him as a candidate. it turns out 57% know that he is a mormon and it's found that an overwhelming majority of those people, 80%, found they were comfortable with it. but there's a sense of people who doesn't know he's a mormon
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and 10% who thinks he's some other religion. the question is once those folks find out lrks they have trouble with it. previous polls suggest that might. those who know less about romney and don't know he's a mormon are more likely to have trouble with his religion when they find out. >> dan, i want you to stay right there. we're going to switch gears after this commercial break and talk about the aurora shootings. also you can hear mitt romney's full speech in the next hour on cnn. as i mentioned, 12 people died in the theater. some are asking where god was on that friday night. [music] see life in the best light. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light.
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well, this week on the cnn belief blog readers were asked the question, where was god in the aurora massacre? that question generate add lot of interest. within 24 hours there were 10,000 responses to that question.'s religious editor dan g gilgoff has more. dan, were you surprised by that number? >> i think i was but it makes
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total sense when these horrific tragedies happen people ask where was god. we put this outed on our cnn belief blog and we were really surprised with how people responded to their own theories. where was god in aurora? maybe this was evidence that god doesn't exist. could this really be god's will? we put it up on the blog. in 24 hours we had gotten 10,000 responses. we had never gotten that many. it really struck a chord. >> let's break down some of these common themes that you expressed. one was that there is no god. talk about that. >> sure. well, you know, atheists by definition don't have a church to go so. it's where atheists go every day, really, to kind of be with one another, to congregate with one another and to put their viewpoints out there.
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so many people chiming in saying how could there be an all powerful god that would actually preside over something as grisly as the aurora shooting, and so there were a lot of people taking to the comment section to say, hey, this is exhibit a about why there can't be an all powerful god. how could they believe that happened. >> on the flip side there are people who do believe in god and say don't blame god. what do they say about that? >> right. it's surprising. remember sometimes in american history and pretty recent history there'll be a an earthquake or hurricane and people, especially televangelists like jerry roberts blame american sin, like the sin of homosexuality leading
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to these natural disasters. it's less than that. there's more saying we have abandoned god in the way we raise our children or god in schools and children and the public squares and this is what happens not as necessarily divine retribution, but what happens to human behavior once we abandon god. i was kind of surprised at the number of comments. it's pretty prevalent. >> maybe bringing us all to a single point back on that. interesting nonetheless. dan gilgoff, thank you for that contribution. viewers, you can share your thoughts with us. the question is where was god in aurora. go to >> an oh linoleum pick player called out by a team goalie. ♪
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racist. >> this had not -- had never been done here before, so it was setting a new precedence, and there were those who reacted to that because of that. >> the pastor who you just heard from ended up presiding over the wedding ceremony at a different church down the street. some church members tell a local newspaper that they're outraged by what happened. they say it was only a small group of parishioners who protested the wedding. the wilsons will join deborah farick in the 10:00 p.m. hour to talk more about it. >> note to everyone watch what you say. hope solo hit twigger to call out an analyst for criticizing the team's play in a win over columbia writing this to her nearly 500,000 follow ores. quote, it's 2 bad we can't have
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commentators who better represents the team and knows more about the game. no comments. we'll all be watching to see how it goes. you're in the cnn newsroom. in israel r.i.m. spoke in israel. we'll bring you that speech in its entirety in just a few moments but first here are other stories making news. the suspected gunman from the colorado shootings will be in court tomorrow. prosecutors will file formal changes against james holmes. he's expected to face 12 counts of first-degree murder. holmes is accused of opening fire at an arohr real movie theater, killing more than 12 people a week ago. and in syria where rebels and government forces are still fighting to gain control of alebeau, the country's main commercial scepter.eppo, the co
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commercial scepter. syria's tv says they suffered losses. ivan watson is watching this firsthand. earlier he told us about an army base that's surrounded by rebels. >> reporter: for the last hour i've been watching rebels attack on a syrian army base located just outside the northern limits of that city of aleppo. it started around sunset with great deal of rocket fire and mortar fire and machine gunfire, and we've basically been watching constant tracer fire at night, focused on this syrian army base and emerging from this syrian army base. the rebels seem to be attacking this base, which has an estimated 14 tanks and about more than 200 soldiers from many different directions. and i've travelled in the


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